Movies | TV | Comics is a not-for-profit pop culture blog run by three dorks who kinda enjoy writing. We don’t break scoops, we don’t cover breaking news and we’re not too fussed about clicks either. This is mostly just a place for us to ramble about various movies, TV shows & comic books that interest us. So uh, enjoy?

Minty | @mintsanity


Brilliant writer. Consummate professional. Real swell guy. Minty is none of these things, but what he lacks in work ethic he makes up for in his ability to spout nonsense on the internet. He also believes Without A Paddle is the finest comedy of its generation.

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Jeremy | @SauronsBANE


All hail SauronsBANE, the First of His Name. Sports Fanatic, Movie Aficionado, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Also possesses an unhealthy obsession with Beaker, of the House Muppet.

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staypuffed | @_staypuffed


Aside from his Australian origins, very little is known about the mysterious Marshmallow Man. Sources say that when he’s not busy on Twitter, you can find Puff in a cinema, or eating thick-cut fries.

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The front page artwork was created by the extraordinarily talented Doopie. You can find him @TheRealDoopie, and be sure to check out more of Doopie’s Doodles at